Monday, November 28, 2011

Feeling Sexy Pregnant

Feeling Sexy Pregnant
Most women feel uncomfortable disrobing in front of their partner as they gain pregnancy weight and the belly gets bigger. While some men honestly do not find pregnancy appealing, Most men love to try new and different things. Women, pregnancy is an increasingly feminine time for you, and as time passes and your belly grows, your hormones naturally make you feel more sexy. Do not hide these feeling or shy away from them. The majority of women feel that during pregnancy they need to maintain a certain level of purity, and by doing so they tend to shy away from intimacy as if to keep the "MOM" perspective in tact. Truth is keeping in touch with your femininity during pregnancy makes for a better experience and higher levels of self esteem. Also the more confidence you emanate the more your partner finds you attractive in a new light. Pregnancy brings about a glow, and heavenly pure aura in a woman. Men tend to find this appealing because it heightens that little fantasy they love of having their partner look like and angel. This fantasy is the flip side to the naughty devil lover that gets played out in the bedroom most often.

Ways to feel and look more sexy while baby grows.

First thing is first, the essentials, Pregnancy causes dry skin. Not just around your belly area but around the rest of your body as well. Keep it hydrated! Use a massage lotion specifically designed for use during pregnancy. If you can not find one, try a hydro-intensive moisturizer. Keeping your skin smooth and silky will make to feel sexy to the touch for you and your partner. Also I know that during pregnancy you are tired, tired, tired, But keeping good hygiene and maintenance is key. Try and keep well groomed and shaven at all times. If your partner has some reservations about keeping the intimacy going during pregnancy, appearing irresistible can help greatly. Dancing to music while you are alone can help you keep in touch with the changing balance of your body. The more comfortable you feel in your own body, the more comfortable you seem with your sexuality. Dancing will help with maneuvering more gracefully which helps in the bedroom so the show you put on is a little less clumsy and awkward. When it comes to underwear although granny panties fit well and are the most comfortable, wearing sexy undies occasionally, will increase your partners interest in you. The great things about this is that sexy undies tend to naturally fall under the belly, so if drastic weight has not been gained, you can still use the sexy undies you wore before the pregnancy.

The mans point of view
Ok lets talk truth. Some men do not find pregnant women appealing, before you write them off as "evil" here are some of the reasons why, they may be an eye opener. Some men feel that it is wrong to touch a pregnant woman sexually because all they see when they view you is (mom). This is when your job as a "sexy moma" comes into play. By following some of the advice above, he will begin to view you more like his sexy lover and less as just a mom to be that is off limits. While others are reserved because they feel they will hurt the baby or you if they do. Talking to your OBGYN, or healthcare provider about this may ease the worries. If they have the facts they will realize in many cases sex is ok during pregnancy. Others feel that it is disrespectful to the baby to have sex with mom. A positive twist you can put on this (from experience) is actually emphasizing the baby. Men are naturally into "whats his". During intimacy saying things like "This is your baby" or "You made this baby" makes you irresistible. The idea that something he created is growing inside of you immortalizes him as a creator, and we all know how men like to be revered as gods. The effect is similar as when they ask "who's your daddy" in bed, and you respond "you are". When you emphasize the baby, he will feel like this is his family, something he created, and is emotionally involved and wants to be involved in EVERY way possible. Sex with his woman during this time is the most ultimate way.