Pregnancy Tips

Changes in Your Body During the First Trimester

Congratulations -- you’re pregnant! Once the initial excitement subsides, your thoughts will most likely center around how your body will change in the coming months. Most expectant moms can’t help but anticipate the bulging belly, the cute maternity clothes, and even the endearing “pregnancy waddle.” But you’ll quickly realize that many of the most obvious physical changes are still a long time coming. In fact, if this is your first baby, you may not even start to show for two or three months.

That said, your body will experience some significant changes during the first trimester, even if they’re not detectable to the naked eye. Below are some of the most common symptoms:

Fatigue: Many women notice that they tire a lot faster in the early weeks of pregnancy, experiencing what is often described as a bone-weary exhaustion. This tiredness is a result of your body working extra hard to support the new fetus growing inside of you. To counteract the weariness, rest as often as possible and try to get at least eight hours of sleep each night. It may sound contradictory, but regular moderate exercise is also a great way to offset fatigue.

Nausea: Morning sickness (a bit of a misnomer, as this can strike anytime of the day or night) is prevalent during the first trimester. Try to stick to bland foods, never start the day on an empty stomach, and avoid any known triggers that bring on queasiness.

Bladder sensitivity: It may not be obvious just yet, but your growing uterus is already beginning to press against your bladder, causing you to experience more frequent urges to urinate throughout the early weeks of pregnancy.

Weight gain: On average, women gain approximately one pound per month during the first trimester, so you shouldn’t see any drastic changes in this area just yet.

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Depression During Pregnancy

We’ve all heard of the “baby blues” — but what happens when the blues come before the baby? It’s estimated that for every 10 women, one or two will exhibit symptoms of depression during pregnancy. For those who are already predisposed to depression, the surge of pregnancy hormones can alter levels of brain chemicals and exacerbate the condition, known as antepartum depression.
How do you know if you’re clinically depressed? Many of the signs can be attributed to other causes, which can make the medical disorder challenging to diagnose. The key is careful self-monitoring. If you experience any of the following symptoms for a period of two weeks or more, you should consult your obstetrician or health care provider:

• Persistent feelings of sadness

• Excessive fatigue or sluggishness

• Insomnia

• Disinterest in activities you once enjoyed

• Difficulty focusing on one topic or activity

• Loss of appetite, or a suddenly insatiable one

• Suicidal thoughts or tendencies

The safety of anti-depressant medication during pregnancy is a subject of some controversy among medical professionals. When considering an antidepressant, such as Prozac, Zoloft, or Paxil, it’s important to carefully weigh the potential benefits with risks to the fetus.

If you’re not comfortable with the risk associated with antidepressant medication during pregnancy, there are alternate methods of treatment. Holistic therapies such as support groups, light therapy, and psychotherapy can help restore feelings of well-being and minimize risk to you and your baby’s health.

1 comment:

  1. The above tips provided are useful and they provide emergency tips too

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